Tuesday 27 August 2024

A Blast from the Past

Back in 2006 we did one of our first trips away in our caravan.  We travelled with friends and drove to the Northern Territory.  We had a wonderful trip to the middle of Australia and it was the first time we had been to this wonderful part of Australia.  My diary has been a great help in getting the information as my memory is not good on the details.
9th July 2006  We left home at 9.45 am, stopped for fuel at Port Wakefield and then lunch at a rest area just out of Port Pirie. Drove on till 4.30 pm when we stopped at roadside Rest Area and set up with friends D & M.  Weather cold but sunny.

10th July  Had breakfast around campfire, as it was a cold 10 degrees C in caravan, then packed up and on road to Pimba. Scenery is now better with small low scrub.  Had lunch at Rest Area near Glen Dambo and then fuel at Glen Dambo .and back on road to Coober Pedy and then onto roadside rest area south of Cadney Park. 

11 th July Saw wedge tailed eagles and a dingo on road to Cadney Park then continued on to Marla and then Kulgara for fuel and morning tea.

Fun photo at Kulgera

From Kulgera we headed to Erldunda and then Curtin Springs where we stopped for the night at the Caravan Park.
12 July 2006 Left Curtin Springs and headed for Uluru caravan park and arrived about 10 am, set up on our booked site as the park was almost full.  The caravan park and Resort is well set up with shops etc so we stocked up with a few essentials and had lunch.  We then drove out to the Rock and walked around the base.  It is much bigger than it appears in photos.  The weather is getting cooler and starting to rain. Had an early night.

Sunset on the Rock

Walking track up the Rock

The Rock

Although named in 1873 in honour of the Chief Secretary of South Australia, Sir Henry Ayers, it is also known by its Aboriginal name ‘Uluru’ Considered one of the great natural wonders of the world and one of Australia's most recognizable natural icons ‘The Rock’ is also a sacred part of Aboriginal creation mythology, or Dreamtime (reality being a dream).  

We were very lucky to be at Uluru when there was a rain storm and the transformation of the Rock was amazing with the change in colour and the waterfalls making it spectacular.

 13 July 2006  A day spent around the caravan park as we had problems with a hose connection and the rain overnight had caused a lot of mud in the park so we didn't venture too far.

Cave at base of the Rock

We didn't climb the Rock although a few people did but it is a dangerous climb and quite a few people have died or been injured while climbing. The Uluru climb was closed permanently in 2019 and in 1985 Uluru National Park was officially handed back to the traditional owners.

14 July 2006  After a few days at Uluru we travelled to Kings Canyon and arrived there without a booking so had an unpowered site but we were ok with that.
The Rim Walk

15 July 2006 Had a good night's sleep and organised ourselves for the Rim Walk in Kings Canyon, which I was concerned about as my knees had been hurting.

Kings Canyon

Views from the Rim Walk

Palms in the Canyon

Amazing view from Kings Canyon Rim Walk

The walk was well worth the pain and effort but it took us 4 hours so I didn't do much walking over the next few days.  I was so pleased to have made the walk and it just proved to me that you can push yourself beyond what you think you are capable of and I am so happy that I did it.

16 July 2006 We packed up and were on the road by 8.15am and back to Alice Springs and booked into a caravan park there so that we could get organised with power and water. Spent the day sorting things out.
View of Alice Springs from the lookout

17 July 2006 We left Alice Springs and headed to Glen Helen Gorge about an hour's drive.
We booked into the caravan park and went for a walk down to the waterhole along the Finke River.  It was very pretty and we enjoyed the views.  At the caravan park there was a musician playing in the Bar so we had a great evening.

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Around And About

The weather here in Adelaide is gradually starting to get better although it is still very cold and I am feeling the cold more and more these days.  I am hoping for some warmer days and they can't come soon enough!

We had a nice drive out with our car club on Sunday and the weather was lovely and sunny but still quite cold, but the hotel we had lunch in had a great fire to warm us up.

An open fire is very welcoming
On the way home it was looking like it would rain

An Adelaide Rosella enjoying a nibble in our back yard
Sunset from our house

Bright pansies on the outdoor table

These daffodils are early flowering  in the garden

This week has been a busy week with friends and haven't had much time to blog but hope you are well and happy.  
I have been following the Olympic Games and so have had a few late nights trying to keep up with events.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Back Again

 I have been away from here for quite a while but all is well.  We have also had a trip away in our van to Victoria and here are some photos of a few places where we spent some time - I hope you enjoy.

Warrock Homestead

Warrock Homestead  is 20 km north of Casterton, and is the birthplace of the Kelpie. George Robertson was from Scotland and acquired the station in 1844. A small hut was constructed first for him to live in and then many more buildings were built for his workers and eventually consisted of 57 mostly timber buildings built from timber sourced locally,  which were among others, a grain store, shepherd's hut, shearing shed and many more buildings to support his growing business.  

It is a beautiful property and we spent a few hours looking around and immersing ourselves in the history of the station.

Some of the original buildings

The original Kelpie kennels at Warrock

Another view of the property

Beautiful old timber fences

The Shearing Shed

Some of the old outbuildings


Casterton is a small town in Victoria, near the South Australian border, and is known as the home of the Kelpie dog.  A Kelpie Muster is held annually here but it was not on when we were there.  It is very popular and we were told that the caravan parks are  all booked out well in advance so we will have to think about that for another trip.


Campfire at Casterton

Edenhope is another small town about 30 km from the South Australian border.  The caravan park is on the shores of Lake Wallace.  We stayed at the lovely caravan park on Lake Wallace and had a great lunch at the Hotel in the main street. We always like to support local business when we can and a meal out is good especially when I don't have to cook!
Lake Wallace, Edenhope

 sunset at Edenhope

Edenhope sunset

Below are some random photos taken as we were travelling.

Lake Burrumbeet

An old abandoned building

White faced Heron at Coleraine

Beautiful old gum trees

Lovely old house in a country town

Magnificent Magpie

I have a  new camera and it was good to try the various settings and get a good shot of this magpie.

Some of the locals

I hope you enjoyed my photo trip and hope you have a good week.

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