Friday, 14 February 2025

Skywatch Friday

 We have had some very hot weather lately and  decided to head to Brighton beach in Adelaide  as it often cooler at the beach later in the day. The Sculptures which are displayed every year are for sale and some of the profit goes to the Surf Life Saving Club. Some of the sculptures are huge so not really suitable for our small garden, but they are quite amazing.

Brighton Jetty

Some of the surf lifesavers training on the beach


  1. Glad you are ok as it's been while.
    They look good and would be nice in some gardens.
    Beaches are often better in hot weather due to sea breeze and I've noticed over your way it's been rather hot, and we here in northern Tasmania get your heat though a little cooler.

  2. An outdoor art gallery is very interesting. Love it!

  3. Beautiful sculptures. Great idea to display them at the beach and have them for sale as a fundraiser!

  4. Always enjoy the pictures because at our age we will never see those. THANKS! Enjoy the outside when you can!

  5. I love the peacock! How interesting to have these sculptures on the beach. Have a great weekend.

  6. I could use some warm weather right now.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    Worth a Thousand Words

  7. Immer blauer Himmel und keine Wolken,
    toll !


I really enjoy reading your comments and will reply as soon as possible. Thanks.

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